Giancarlo Portomauro


Giancarlo Portomauro was born in Albenga (SV), Italy in 1969. He got his “Laurea” degree in Computer Science Engineering at the University of Genoa, Italy in 2002 and he achieved the Engineer Qualification title in the same year. Since May 2001, he worked with the Italian Consortium of Telecommunications (CNIT), by the University of Genoa Research Unit, where he was a research consultant in the Satellite Communications and Networking Laboratory (SCNL) research staff. Today, he is still part of the SCNL staff as a senior engineer.

His main activities concerns: emulation of commutation of on board satellite systems, reliable Quality of Service network satellite for multimedia applications, software for the satellite emulation system, wide network system, installation and training for video conference tools for remote training and instruments access, design and realization of event simulator for heterogeneous packet switching networks.



Giancarlo Portomauro
M.Sc. Senior Engineer
Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications Engineering and Naval Architecture (DITEN)
University of Genoa, Italy
Via Opera Pia, 13
16145, Genova, Italy
Ph. +39-010-3352806